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About Sears Financial of Canada

Sears, one of the largest, most successful and diverse companies in Canada. With Sears Financial, you can PLAN to be protected.

Term Life Insurance Plan

Having life insurance will help ensure that your family will be able to maintain a comfortable lifestyle if you are no longer able to provide for them financially. More about Sears Term insurance now

Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance Plan

The older we get, the harder it can be to get the life insurance coverage we need. Whether it's to help cover funeral expenses, pay debts or leave a legacy behind, the Sears Financial Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance Plan can help. This plan offers you guaranteed, affordable coverage without any medical exams, questions or tests even if you have a pre-existing medical condition or if you've been refused coverage in the past More about Sears Guarnteed Insurance now

Serious Illness Protection Plus Insurance Plan

Provides added Financial Security and peace of mind, while you recover. The Serious Illness Protection Plus Plan pays you cash if you are diagnosed and treated for a heart attack, stroke or cancer. More about Sears Critical Illness Insurance now

Please compare this institution to the rest of the Canadian market to ensure you’re getting the best possible conditions on your life insurance coverage.

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