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About Great-West Life

As one of Canada’s largest insurance groups, Great-West Life is a leader in providing personal financial solutions to thousands of Canadians. Operating under a number of subsidiaries and functions, Great-West Life offers targeted solutions to help you protect your income and the family that depends on it.

Great-West Life offers the following products:

Term Life Insurance - Renewable and convertible 10 and 20 year term plans, which are available in most cases up to the ages of 75 and 80.

Participating Whole Life Insurance - Full protection for life with a guaranteed minimum premiums. Accumulating dividends on this policy allow you to match the performance of your cash value to the performance of your insurer on the market.

Universal Life Insurance - Typically designed for those more comfortable with personal investments. Great-West Life’s Universal plan offers a variety of indexed and fixed investments accounts that lets you build your wealth.

Critical Illness Insurance - Coverage to age 65, 75, or for life. Supplementary benefits for non-critical conditions and children’s critical illness options available on all plans.

Disability Insurance - Business and personal solutions for income and key position protection. Low-income and seasonal work disability insurance available to those who would find it difficult to qualify for traditional plans.

Please compare this institution to the rest of the Canadian market to ensure you’re getting the best possible conditions on your life insurance coverage.

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