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About FaithLife Financial Life Insurance

FaithLife Financial is non-for-profiit financial services organization. FaithLife is Christian based and offers life insurance, income protection and investment products for Canadian Christians.

FaithLife Term Life Insurance

Term 10 - this policy is available for cover of $100,000 or more. The term can be renewed every ten years up to the age of 75 and can be converted to a permanent policy until age 65.

Term 20 - this policy is also available for cover of $100,000 or more. The term can be renewed every twenty years up to the age of 85 and can be converted to a permanent policy until age 65.

FaithLife Permanent Life Insurance

Term 100 - competitively priced policy available for individuals aged 35-80. Guaranteed level premiums. Protection is available from $50,000 for ages 35 to 64 and from $25,000 for ages 65 to 80.

Essential Life - permanent policy for people aged 40 to 80. Guaranteed premiums and benefit available up to $25,000 without any medical exams. Potential for cash accumulation.

Whole Life - flexible policy that provides lifetime coverage with guaranteed premiums. The plan accumulates cash value and allows access to policy loans.

Life Paid-Up at 65 - this policy offers lifetime protection without lifelong payments. Your premiums stop at age 65. The policy accumulates cash value and allows access to loans.

FaithLife Disability Income Insurance

This plan will ensure your income is covered in case of disability due to an injury or illness.

Please compare this institution to the rest of the Canadian market to ensure you’re getting the best possible conditions on your life insurance coverage.

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