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Saskatchewan No Medical Life Insurance

Living with a health issue comes with its fair share of challenges, one of them being the struggle to find affordable and reliable life insurance coverage. With traditional life insurance plans, medical exams are a problematic requirement many Canadians in Saskatchewan have to undergo to see if they are eligible for coverage. If you have a medical condition, you are likely to face a denied application. This condition for coverage often leaves many people without a plan to provide financial security because the medical exam is so invasive and time-consuming.

Another option, known as no medical life insurance, provides easier access to life insurance for Canadians in Saskatchewan who live with medical conditions. These plan options do not require any medical exams when you apply, making the entire process much more straightforward and more appealing.

The Application Process of a Traditional Life Insurance Plan

Traditional life insurance policies will likely require a medical exam to be carried out when you apply for coverage. This process involves you seeing a paramedical (a healthcare professional hired by the insurance company) who will carry out the exam.

A medical exam typically involves:

  • An overview of your medical history and your family’s medical history.
  • Blood pressure and heart rate measuring.
  • Height and weight checks.
  • Blood sample.
  • Urine sample.
  • Questions about your lifestyle and hobbies.

The No Medical Life Insurance Difference

With a no medical exam life insurance plan, you completely avoid the lengthy and invasive medical exam process. There are two plan options available Simplified Issue Life Insurance and Guaranteed Life Insurance. Both options do not require medical exams, making the application process more straightforward and accessible for all Canadians.

Applying for these plans typically involves a simple application that asks basic questions like age, smoking status, and sex at birth to help determine premium amounts and how much coverage is available to you.

Below are two of the leading no medical life insurance plan types on the market today:

Simplified Issue Life Insurance
Simplified life insurance only requires a brief health questionnaire to determine your plan options. More about Simplified Issue Life Insurance
Guaranteed Life Insurance
Guaranteed life insurance plans have the most straightforward application because they don’t require medical exams or health questionnaires to apply. More about Guaranteed Life Insurance

We are made up of a team of no medical life insurance professionals helping Canadians in Saskatchewan find accessible coverage that works for any budget. Our representatives work across the province and are always available to help you discover your no medical plan options.

To get a free no-obligation quote or to learn more about available no medical life insurance plans, please feel free to complete our short free quote from on our website now.

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