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Alberta No Medical Life Insurance

Traditional life insurance coverage typically requires a medical exam as a part of its application process. However, these medical exams can make it challenging to get coverage if you have a health issue or a family history with some medical problems and conditions.

No medical exam life insurance, on the other hand, is a form of life insurance that requires no medical exams to be eligible for coverage. If you are looking for no medical life insurance in Alberta, these plans offer a simple way to get insured without worrying about your current health condition getting in the way. A no medical life insurance plan is a simple alternative that helps Canadians struggling to get insured find the coverage they need.

The Medical Exam Process of Traditional Coverage

With traditional life insurance coverage, you will have to undergo a medical exam when you apply for coverage. This process involves you seeing a paramedical (a healthcare professional hired by the insurance company) who can meet you at your home or place of business to carry out the exam.

A medical exam typically involves:

  • An overview of your medical history and your family’s medical history.
  • Blood pressure and heart rate measuring.
  • Height and weight checks.
  • Blood sample.
  • Urine sample.
  • Questions about your lifestyle and hobbies.

How to Apply for a No Medical Life Insurance Plan

No medical life insurance allows you to completely avoid the lengthy and invasive medical exam process. Typically there are two plan options available Simplified Issue Life Insurance and Guaranteed Life Insurance. When applying for both of these options, you are not required to undergo any medical exams. These coverage options are some of the most straightforward and accessible plan options available on the market in Canada.

Applying for these plans typically involves a simple application that asks basic questions like age, smoking status, and sex at birth to help determine premium amounts and how much coverage is available to you.

There are two types of no medical life insurance plans:

Simplified Issue Life Insurance
Life insurance with no medical exams and a short health questionnaire. More about Simplified Issue Life Insurance
Guaranteed Life Insurance
Life insurance plans do not require a medical exam or health questionnaire. As a result, this form of coverage offers the easiest way to get insured. More about Guaranteed Life Insurance

We work with all major Canadian providers to offer you the best rates on No Medical Life Insurance. Our advisors work across Alberta and have access to a wide range of life insurance plans, and they are ready to help find you coverage that works for your budget and needs.

If you’d like to learn more about your options and get a free no-obligation quote for no medical life insurance in Alberta, please complete our short form now.

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