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Saskatchewan Seniors Life Insurance

The life insurance options for Canadian seniors living in Saskatchewan have gotten better over the years. Before, the only options were traditional life insurance plans and their many application requirements. Seniors often struggle with these plans as their medical exams can be daunting and very invasive. These challenging requirements can make it difficult for older Canadians to obtain coverage as they are likely to face a denial through traditional plans.

But today, there are seniors life insurance plans designed to make getting insured much more accessible and streamlined for seniors.

Our specialized coverage has many benefits for seniors living in Saskatchewan, including:

  • Eligibility up to age 80.
  • Coverage amounts that range from $5,000 to as high as $500,000.
  • Over-the-phone applications with no agent visits or paperwork requirements.
  • Simplified Issue or No Medical plans with no medical exams to apply.
  • Guaranteed Issue life insurance plans without medical exams and health questionnaires.

We work with leading Canadian insurers and have helpful and dedicated advisors across Saskatchewan. Our team will help you identify the best seniors life insurance plans for your needs and budget and guide you through every step of the application process, so you are always comfortable.

We search for life insurance so you don't have to!

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