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HSBC Mortgage Insurance

HSBC offers dedicated Mortgage Insurance plans to protect your biggest investment - your home those who live in it. There are two types of insurance plans provided:

HSBC Mortgage Life Insurance - covers up to $750,000 of your outstanding mortgage if you or your covered partner pass away. Discounts are offered for joined coverage. This plan ensures that your Canadian property is protected even if you live abroad.

HSBC Mortgage Disability Insurance - provides mortgage payment of up to $4,000 a month for a maximum of 2 years if you are disabled due to covered illness or injury. The benefit is payable after a 60-day waiting period. Discounts are offered for joined coverage. This policy offers protection for your Canadian property even if you live abroad.

Please compare this institution to the rest of the Canadian market to ensure you’re getting the best possible conditions on your life insurance coverage.

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