Up to $25,000 in Guaranteed Coverage for Seniors With Quick Online Application

Compare Canadian Life Insurance

Your Requirements:

The older we get, the more people think that life insurance isn’t as important.

But the reality is, life insurance is just as important when you are a senior as when you were a younger adult with a new family. Plus, with Canada Insurance, getting a Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance plan is easier than ever for Canadian seniors.

Guaranteed Coverage Seniors

The ease of our applications

With traditional life insurance policies, your application can take months to carry out and process.

From beginning to end, you’ll be meeting with agents multiple times, completing mountains of paperwork, and undergoing invasive medical exams just to see if you can qualify for a plan.

With Canada Insurance, you never have to meet face-to-face with an agent or complete any paperwork when you apply. There is a short online quote form that you can complete in minutes, and then a licensed agent will reach out to you and provide you with your free, no-obligation quotes for your best-suited plans. The best part? No waiting around for approval, and no medical exams are required.

Guaranteed issue options

With eligibility up to age 74 and upwards of $25,000 in tax-free coverage, guaranteed issue life insurance can easily work for any financial need. As mentioned above, there are no medical exams or health questionnaires required for our Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance plans. There is also an accidental death benefit added to your plan for no additional cost.

Using the tax-free benefit

When a claim is made, your plan’s benefit goes directly to your selected beneficiaries to be used in any way they wish. Typically, the benefit is used to help cover final expenses like funeral costs and other end-of-life expenses. But your beneficiaries can also use the funds in several ways, including:

The four main benefits of Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance

  1. Like the name says, acceptance is guaranteed.

    So long as you are between the ages of 18-74 and have a permanent Canadian address, your acceptance is guaranteed.

  2. Never undergo a medical exam.

    Unlike traditional life insurance plans, there are zero medical exam requirements to apply with our Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance. Your health cannot impact your eligibility.

  3. Applications made easy.

    We’ve removed face-to-face meetings with agents and paperwork from the process. Simply complete our short online form and speak with one of our agents over the phone. You can complete the entire process in under an hour without leaving the comfort of your home.

  4. Additional protection.

    With our Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance, you also get access to accidental death protection included in your coverage. If you pass away due to an accident, your beneficiaries receive up to four times the plan’s benefit.

Ready to discover your plan options?

Complete our short free quote form now to get started.